These pics below are taken from the Busick Home Investigation and the follow up investigation. The appearance of a unknown figure in some pics with our guy and in other pics just appearing byu itself is totally fascinating to our investigators. The figures differ in size and they also differed depending on where they were when caught on camera. By the varying sizes and the audio we received, we are concluding that at least a couple go hand in hand with our audio of "MOE" as caught in the follow up investigation.
Mrs. Busick has asked us to please return saying she had had no activity since our last investigation until suddenly a few days ago she saw lots of people come and go in her yard, only four in the house but the ones in the yard had different colors and sizes of costumes and changed throughout the day from one person to another person.
We are actually beginning to wonder, due to so much activity and so many spirits being seen, as alleged by Mrs. Busick, if this could be a portal at her house. It is the 3rd claim of seeing groups of people in her yard as opposed to just one person. Also the fact that the people tend to change appearances alerts us to an alarming number of spirits to be in one place if not traveling through a portal on their way to wherver they are headed for.
Our coming up investigation should be very interesting as each preceding investigation offered up loads of pics, a few audios, and a couple of videos. We will be looking for a portal pening in play this time and see if we can get to the bottom of these non threatening appearances of supposed spirits.
We will bring you all the results in the near future as soon as we have reviewed and rereviewed any and all evidence captured during our investigation. We will debunk anything we can and leave the rest to you to see what you think.
unknown figure caught on sls camera
Unknown figure on screen
PHPR Investigator on right, unknown figure on the left
Our investigator on the right, unknown visitor on the left
MAY 18,2020
These two pics are debunked. They show our investigator and the image of an ironing board. Once that board was removed, the images we caught on camera were not able to be explained by our investigators.
MAY 16, 2020
All of the pics below were captured on our SLS camera during an investigation at the Busick Home.
More info under investigations about another visit to the Busick home due to continued activity.
Our investigator (right) unknown (figure on left)
Our investigator(right) and on the left, unknown guest
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